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Apartment for sale

199000 €

East Attica , Markopoulo Mesogaias , Πόρτο Ράφτη, Θεμιστοκλέους , 7

Floors:   3
Floor:   1
Living rooms:   1
Size:   87 m2
Property type:   Other
Property condition:   New
Constructed in:   2010
Price:   199000 €
Price per m²:   2287 /m2

3 floors, 1 floor, 1 living rooms, size: 87 m2, bedrooms: 2, bathrooms: 2, building made of: concrete, environment: sea, distance: 25 m, neighbours: around, roads: in good condition, location: in suburb, buildings: apartment buildings, property type: other, property condition: new, constructed in: 2010, price: 199000 €, 2287 /m2 €, installed security system, individual petrol heating, fireplace, washbasin, bath, parking, balcony/terrace, storage room, secured windows, security lock, shower

Γεράσιμος Καρούσος

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Price 199000 €

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